Python Beginnings

Its been a minute since I have updated this. I have been doing freelance work for several months and realized that probably the best way to marry my programming interest and work would be to learn Python.

I start with this absolute beginner series that Microsoft made. Here is where it is on YouTube.  This was a pretty great starting point minus the last 4 classes where they go from 0-60 to get you signed up to Azure.

Then after that I chipped away at 24 hours of a Udemy class “The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications”  This was surprisingly really great.

After that I wrote a really basic 3dsmax tool that is probably to specific to share here, but saved a bunch a time at work. With the help of Douglas Lassance who explained the key of 3dsmax python programming, that is just maxscript wrapped in python.

Then the crowning achievement of all my work, a simple image sorter that I wrote over Christmas break. The idea is that at work we sometimes get folders full of reference that we have to look through and grab that reference that we are actually going to use. This image viewer goes recursively though a selected folder, shows the images in said folder/folders and lets you hit a hot key to save to your save folder.

space = next image

b= back image

s = save image

q = save image with “_” in front of the name so it will be at top in name sort.

You can grab the .exe here.

I made this with opencv and pyinstaller